Wednesday, 27 February 2013

One shot today

Only one good photo today, shot with my digital compact.  As usual it struggled to focus, but got one photo I am happy with.  This street portrait subject was very cooperative and pleasant, so I hope the photo has done justice.  Colours are pushed using 'curves' and cropped.  Next time I am out, I will make sure I use a camera that allows good manual focus.  I was pushed for time, but should take advantage of the amazing sunny weather! Again, check out the videos and images of Garry Winogrand, who was a master at street photography.  In the last couple of months he shot street corners like a car speed camera.  He died leaving thousands of unprocessed films and thousands of contacts.
He shot both quality and quantity.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Night Stalker

I don't normally go out in freezing temperatures for my night photography, but as part a group outing, we decided to explore the city's West End.  Although the area is rather picturesque, my chosen photos again seem to explore the alienation of the modern world.  The closed 'Blockbuster' store window shot says it all.
I did struggle in getting the long exposures of cars lights streaming across the page, but luckily I did notice that if I heavily zoomed in on one image, I was lucky to capture a fleeting visit of the Doctor's Tardis.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Swan revisit

I am lucky that I pass by these Swans quite often so you will probably see more from this on going project.  Taken last night waiting for at least 30 min waiting for things to unfold.  It was good in some ways that things remained calm.  Will revisit again.  Canon 550 came to the rescue.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Sloooooow Exposure Rome

I was chatting with a colleague about long exposures, which reminded me of the trial shots I made in the Vatican Museum with my Leica X1.  The size and quiet shutter release of the camera helped me being inconspicuous.  Most were shot on random exposures using F.16 for maximum depth of field. ie

Aperture priority.  I took some more at the Duomo in Italy, which I will add sometime later.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Day Shoot (Again)

Taken during a brief respite from the rain in the morning.  Most shots done within fifteen minutes with a digital SLR.  By shooting like a paparazzi, most of the photos are  blurred, due to camera shake. Will I ever learn not to rely on the screen to judge quality! As you cans see, the photos needed to be 'enhanced'.  The problem with having the luxury of different cameras is that I have taken the same image in different formats etc.. Hence the graffiti shots being recorded on B/W film and colour film.  Don't ask why?  Perhaps one of them will at least be in focus

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Filmus Monochromus

As you can see, I haven't put up any links, but I did stumble upon a very good website and blog called Filmus Monochromus, which covers unusual 35 mm b/w film/chemical combinations.  Andy has a good eye and if you go through his blog, you find some interesting links.  He has more than 1500 pages so that is something I need to work on!  He is an avid shooter (must be retired).  I will start posting more images soon.