Tuesday, 30 October 2012

eric judlin

 Oct 22, 2012 (edited)  -  PublicBefore uploading some recent photos, here are some examples of work during my trip to Italy last summer.  As you can tell, I have been experimenting using Lightroom in converting photos to b/w.  It will probably be sometime before scanning my b/w shots which were around another 20 rolls. Going to try some of the Fuji 200 film which, I know is grainy but for three rolls for £2 I just could not resist.  These shots are with the X1 which I am fairly happy with , except for the known poor auto focus in low light.  Hopefully Leica can soon produce another firmware upgrade.  These are a small selection of a pre-edited non sequential shots.  When I was there, I tried a few mini projects, which can be hopefully be sequenced in some type of narrative. 

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