Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Sun City: Easy Pickings

Well it was nice for a change to walk around the city in brilliant sunshine for a few hours.  However, my inspiration for some reason was left at home.  In desperation, I came up with the mini theme of 'Spillage', as I was walking along the pavement.  I apologise for the unsavoury image, but it is a spillage that occurs quite often in this town (so much so that it could be still life project in itself).  The manipulated images salvaged a rather non creative day.  All images shot with  Canon 550 and Leica M6 with b/w also came out for a walk (images to be seen later... but not really worth the wait). Thanks Matt Stuart for helping me come up with the image of the girl and the photographer. If you don't know Matt Stuart, check out his images.

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